威尼斯(欢乐)娱人城(v3676-vip认证)官方网站 -BinG百科
发布人:刘加亮  发布时间:2020-10-19   浏览次数:1105

  2020年10月20日,威尼斯欢乐娱人城v3676与上海大学、上海核学会拟联合举办国际线上学术会议《Materials Service Performance in Nuclear Power Plant (MSPNP2020)-Multiscale Characterization》。本次会议邀请到英国、日本、韩国、中国等领域内多名国内外著名专家学者报告其最新研究成果,欢迎各位老师积极参会交流!

 会议题目:Materials Service Performance in Nuclear Power Plant (MSPNP2020)-Multiscale Characterization



   Nuclear power energy generation from water-cooled nuclear power plants is an important source for the world’s supply of electric power. Safe and economic operation as well as lifetime prediction and extension of nuclear power plants are strongly affected by materials service performance and related environmental degradation issues. International Symposium on Material Service Performance in Nuclear Power Plants(MSPNP) has been initiated in 2014 and continuing to 2019, for providing an international forum for the exchange of research results and reactor operating experience related to evaluation, analysis and prediction of materials performance and degradation in water-cooled nuclear power reactor systems in relation to macroscopic and microscopic properties of materials, manufacturing and fabrication processes and operating conditions. In MSPNP2014, service performance and materials characterization were emphasized. In MSPNP2016, the importance of international cooperation and joint research was emphasized. In MSPNP2018, the service performance under extreme conditions was emphasized. In MSPNP2019, intelligent monitoring and reliability assessment of materials degradation is emphasized.   In 2020, In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, MSPNP2020 focusing on Multiscale Characterization is shifting from In-person Symposium to On-line Workshop, for facilitating communication and promoting cooperation for the academia and industries internationally.

The working language of the conference is English. The workshop is free accessing to the participants to whom the meeting information will be sent in advance.


Workshop topics include, but are not limited to:l Safety and reliability of nuclear power reactors in relation to materials service    performance.l Optimization of manufacturing and fabrication processes for improving service    performancel Experimental evaluation of service performance of nuclear power plant materials.l Conventional and advanced methods for measurements and analyses of materials    properties and degradation mechanisms.l Analysis of the root causes and key factors for environmental degradation issues in    plants.l Intelligent monitoring of material degradation and reliability assessmentl Predictive and proactive approaches for plant lifetime assessment and extension.l Multiscale characterization of Materials





附件2. 会议日程.pdf

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